Escucha música de Tenacious D 2024 en línea | Musica Pop Rock

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Escucha Tenacious D - Pop Rock online.

Musica de Tenacious D del Genero: Pop Rock Todos los artistas y cantantes de música de Pop Rock son individuos talentosos y apasionados que dedican su vida a crear y compartir su arte con el mundo. Su música de Tenacious D tiene el poder de emocionarnos, inspirarnos y conectarnos a un nivel profundo. En este blog FoxMusica, exploraremos el mundo de los artistas y cantantes de música del genero Pop Rock, destacando su dedicación, creatividad y contribuciones a la cultura.

Los artistas y cantantes de música tienen la capacidad única de expresar sus emociones y experiencias a través de su voz y talento musical. A través de sus letras y melodías, nos llevan a un viaje emocional y nos permiten conectarnos con nuestras propias emociones.

Además de su talento musical, los artistas y cantantes son verdaderos profesionales en su campo. Trabajan arduamente

En resumen, escuchar música online nos brinda una experiencia musical enriquecedora y conveniente. Nos permite acceder a una amplia variedad de canciones y artistas, descubrir nueva música y disfrutar de contenido exclusivo. Así que ponte tus auriculares, elige tu plataforma de música favorita y sumérgete en un mundo lleno de melodías y emociones. ¡La música online está esperando para acompañarte en tus momentos más especiales!

INICIOPop RockTenacious DKickapoo

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  • Kickapoo - Tenacious D 1 04:24

Tenacious D - Kickapoo Lyrics

A long ass fucking time ago
In a town called Kickapoo
There lived a humble family
Religious through and through
But, yeah, there was a black sheep
And he knew just what to do
His name was young JB and he refused to step in line
A vision he did see of fuck rocking all the time
He wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align
Oh the dragon's balls were blazing as I stepped into his cave
Then I sliced his fucking cockles, with a long and shiny blade
Twas I who fucked the dragon, fuck a lie sing fuck loo
And if you try to fuck with me, then I shall fuck you too
Gotta get it on in the party zone
I gots to shoot a load in the party zone
Gotta lick a toad in the party zone
Gotta suck a chode in the party zone
You disobeyed my orders son, why were you ever born?
Your brother's ten times better than you, Jesus loves him more
This music that you play for us comes from the depths of hell
Rock and Roll is the devil's work, he wants you to rebel
You become a mindless puppet, Beelzebub will pull the strings
Your heart will lose direction and chaos he will bring
You better shut your mouth better watch your tone
You're grounded for a week with no telephone
Don't let me hear you cry don't let me hear you moan
You gotta praise the lord when you're in my home
Dio can you hear me?
I am lost and so alone
I'm asking for your guidance
Woud you come down from your throne?
I need the tight compadre who will teach me how to rock
My father thinks you're evil but man, he can suck a cock
Rock is not the devil's work it's magical and rad
I'll never rock as long as I am stuck here with my dad
I hear you brave young Jables, you are hungry for the rock
But to learn the ancient method sacred doors you must unlock
Escape your father's clutches and this oppressive neighborhood
On a journey you must go to find the land of Hollywood
In the city of fallen angels,
Where the ocean meets the sand
You will form a strong alliance,
And the world's most awesome band
To find your fame and fortune,
Through the valley you must walk
You will face your inner demons
Now go my son and rock!
So he bailed from fuck Kickapoo with hunger in his heart
And he journeyed far and wide to find the secrets of his art
but in the end he knew that he would find his counterpart

Kickapoo » Tenacious D Letras !!!
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