Escucha música de Tenacious D 2024 en línea | Musica Pop Rock

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Escucha Tenacious D - Pop Rock online.

Musica de Tenacious D del Genero: Pop Rock Todos los artistas y cantantes de música de Pop Rock son individuos talentosos y apasionados que dedican su vida a crear y compartir su arte con el mundo. Su música de Tenacious D tiene el poder de emocionarnos, inspirarnos y conectarnos a un nivel profundo. En este blog FoxMusica, exploraremos el mundo de los artistas y cantantes de música del genero Pop Rock, destacando su dedicación, creatividad y contribuciones a la cultura.

Los artistas y cantantes de música tienen la capacidad única de expresar sus emociones y experiencias a través de su voz y talento musical. A través de sus letras y melodías, nos llevan a un viaje emocional y nos permiten conectarnos con nuestras propias emociones.

Además de su talento musical, los artistas y cantantes son verdaderos profesionales en su campo. Trabajan arduamente

En resumen, escuchar música online nos brinda una experiencia musical enriquecedora y conveniente. Nos permite acceder a una amplia variedad de canciones y artistas, descubrir nueva música y disfrutar de contenido exclusivo. Así que ponte tus auriculares, elige tu plataforma de música favorita y sumérgete en un mundo lleno de melodías y emociones. ¡La música online está esperando para acompañarte en tus momentos más especiales!

INICIOPop RockTenacious DDont Blow It Kage

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  • Dont Blow It Kage - Tenacious D 1 02:14

Tenacious D - Dont Blow It Kage Lyrics

[Intro: Jack Black & Kyle Gass]
Here we come Kage, you ready?
Hold up, here we come
One, two

[Chorus 1: Both]
Don't blow it, Kage
Don't blow it, Kage
Just play the best shit
You've ever fucking played
Don't blow it, Kage
Don't blow it, Kage
Just play the best shit
You've ever fucking played

[Verse 1: Both]
Jack White invited us to party
He wanted us to kick out the jams
Red light, it's time for us to party
I'm hoping we can kick out the jams

[Chorus 2: Both]
Don't blow it, Kage
Don't blow it, Kage
Just play the best shit
You've ever fucking played
Don't blow it, Kage
Don't blow it, Kage
Just play the best shit
You've ever fucking played

[Verse 3: Both]
That sucked, you did not fucking party
You did not fucking kick out the jams
Jack White is drinking a Bacardi
You did not fucking kick out the jams

[Chorus 3: Both]
You blew it, Kage
You blew it, Kage
You played the worst shit
You've ever fucking played
You blew it, Kage
You blew it, Kage
You played the worst shit
You've ever fucking played
Come on

[Bridge:Jack White, Kyle Gass & Jack Black]
Kage, Kage
Yes, Jack White?
That was the best guitar solo i've ever heard in my life
Oh, thank you
Do you want to start a band with me right now?
Oh, yes

[Outro: Both]
Don't leave me, Kage
Don't leave me, Kage
You played the best shit
You've ever fucking played
Don't leave me, Kage
Don't leave me, Kage
You played the best shit
You've ever fucking played
You played the best shit
You've ever fucking played
You played the best shit
You've ever fucking played
You played the best shit
You've ever fucking played

Dont Blow It Kage » Tenacious D Letras !!!
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